Determine how much water you need. You've probably heard the "8 by 8" rule - drink eight 8-ounce glasses of water per day (2 quarts, 1.8 liters) - but the amount of water a person needs varies depending on his or her weight and activity level. Another way to determine your specific recommended water intake is to divide your weight (in pounds) by two. The resulting number is the number of ounces of water you need each day. For example, if you weigh 150 lbs., strive to drink 75 ounces of water daily. For those who use the Metric system, divide your weight (in kilograms) by 30 (ex. somebody weighing 70 kg is going to need 2.3 liters per day). Keep in mind that these recommended intake numbers are controversial and some experts believe they are a gross exaggeration. See "warnings" below for more information.
Signs of Dehydration. You lose water through urination, respiration, and by sweating. If you are very active, you lose more water than if you are sedentary. Diuretics such as caffeine pills and alcohol result in the need to drink more water because they trick your body into thinking you have more water than we need. Symptoms of mild dehydration include chronic pains in joints and muscles,lower back pain, headaches and constipation. A strong odor to your urine, along with a yellow or amber color indicates that you may not be getting enough water. Note that riboflavin, a B Vitamin, will make your urine bright yellow. Thirst is an obvious sign of dehydration and in fact, you need water long before you feel thirsty.
Dangers of Too Much Water. Don't start drinking an extra gallon of water a day - that can kill you, especially if you are fasting or eating very little. Water taken in must be in balance with body salt - electrolytes. The body needs to maintain salt balance or risk hyponatremia with heart attack and even death. Drinking too much water dilutes the salt in your blood and tissues - and can kill you. Healthy athletes have died from drinking too much plain water and not replacing salt. Dieters should not plunge into drinking gallons of water a day in hopes of burning a few more calories. Drink an extra few glasses, yes. But a gallon is too much.
Determine how much water you need. You've probably heard the "8 by 8" rule - drink eight 8-ounce glasses of water per day (2 quarts, 1.8 liters) - but the amount of water a person needs varies depending on his or her weight and activity level. Another way to determine your specific recommended water intake is to divide your weight (in pounds) by two. The resulting number is the number of ounces of water you need each day. For example, if you weigh 150 lbs., strive to drink 75 ounces of water daily. For those who use the Metric system, divide your weight (in kilograms) by 30 (ex. somebody weighing 70 kg is going to need 2.3 liters per day). Keep in mind that these recommended intake numbers are controversial and some experts believe they are a gross exaggeration. See "warnings" below for more information.
Signs of Dehydration. You lose water through urination, respiration, and by sweating. If you are very active, you lose more water than if you are sedentary. Diuretics such as caffeine pills and alcohol result in the need to drink more water because they trick your body into thinking you have more water than we need. Symptoms of mild dehydration include chronic pains in joints and muscles,lower back pain, headaches and constipation. A strong odor to your urine, along with a yellow or amber color indicates that you may not be getting enough water. Note that riboflavin, a B Vitamin, will make your urine bright yellow. Thirst is an obvious sign of dehydration and in fact, you need water long before you feel thirsty.
Dangers of Too Much Water. Don't start drinking an extra gallon of water a day - that can kill you, especially if you are fasting or eating very little. Water taken in must be in balance with body salt - electrolytes. The body needs to maintain salt balance or risk hyponatremia with heart attack and even death. Drinking too much water dilutes the salt in your blood and tissues - and can kill you. Healthy athletes have died from drinking too much plain water and not replacing salt. Dieters should not plunge into drinking gallons of water a day in hopes of burning a few more calories. Drink an extra few glasses, yes. But a gallon is too much.
During chemotherapy you may have no side effects or just a few. The kinds of side effects you have depend on the type and dose of chemotherapy you get. Side effects vary, but common ones are nausea, vomiting, tiredness, pain and hair loss. Healthy cells usually recover after chemotherapy, so most side effects gradually go away.
Your course of therapy will depend on the cancer type, the chemotherapy drugs used, the treatment goal and how your body responds. You may get treatment every day, every week or every month. You may have breaks between treatments so that your body has a chance to build new healthy cells. You might take the drugs by mouth, in a shot or intravenously.
National Cancer Institute
Start Here
You have many choices to make about your cancer treatment. One choice you might be thinking about is complementary and alternative medicine (CAM). CAM is the term for medical products and practices that are not part of standard care. Standard care is what medical doctors, doctors of osteopathy, and allied health professionals, such as registered nurses and physical therapists, practice. Alternative medicine means treatments that you use instead of standard ones. Complementary medicine means nonstandard treatments that you use along with standard ones. Examples of CAM therapies are acupuncture, chiropractic, and herbal medicines.
CAM treatments do not work for everyone, but some methods such as acupuncture might help with nausea, pain and other side effects of cancer treatment. In general, researchers know more about the safety and effectiveness of standard cancer treatments than they do about CAM. To make sure nothing gets in the way of your cancer care, talk to your doctor before you try anything new.
National Cancer Institute
If you already have diabetes before you get pregnant, you need to monitor and control your blood sugar levels.
Either type of diabetes during pregnancy raises the risk of problems for the baby and the mother. To help reduce these risks, you should follow your meal plan, exercise, test your blood sugar and take your medicine.
National Institute of Diabetes and Digestive and Kidney DiseasesStart Here
Very high or very low blood sugar levels can also lead to emergencies in people with diabetes. The cause can be an underlying infection, certain medicines, or even the medicines you take to control your diabetes. If you feel nauseated, sluggish or shaky, seek emergency care.
National Institute of Diabetes and Digestive and Kidney Diseases
Start Here
With Type 1 diabetes, your pancreas does not make insulin. Insulin is a hormone that helps glucose get into your cells to give them energy. Without insulin, too much glucose stays in your blood. If you have type 1 diabetes, you will need to take insulin.
Type 2 diabetes, the most common type, can start when the body doesn't use insulin as it should. If your body can't keep up with the need for insulin, you may need to take pills. Some people need both insulin and pills. Along with meal planning and physical activity, diabetes pills help people with type 2 diabetes or gestational diabetes keep their blood glucose levels on target. Several kinds of pills are available. Each works in a different way. Many people take two or three kinds of pills. Some people take combination pills. Combination pills contain two kinds of diabetes medicine in one tablet. Some people take pills and insulin.
National Institute of Diabetes and Digestive and Kidney DiseasesStart Here
Diabetic retinopathy happens when diabetes damages the tiny blood vessels inside your retina. You may not notice at first. Symptoms can include
Blurry or double vision
Rings, flashing lights or blank spots
Dark or floating spots
Pain or pressure in one or both of your eyes
Trouble seeing things out of the corners of your eyes
If you have diabetes, you should have a complete eye exam every year. Finding and treating problems early may save your vision. Treatment often includes laser treatment or surgery.
National Institute of Diabetes and Digestive and Kidney Diseases
If you have diabetes, your blood sugar levels are too high. Over time, this can damage your kidneys. Your kidneys are filters that clean your blood. If they are damaged, waste and fluids build up in your blood instead of leaving your body.
Kidney damage from diabetes is called diabetic nephropathy. It begins long before you have symptoms. An early sign of it is small amounts of protein in your urine. A urine test can detect it. A blood test can also help determine how well your kidneys are working.
If the damage continues, your kidneys could fail. In fact, diabetes is the most common cause of kidney failure in the United States. People with kidney failure need either dialysis or a kidney transplant.
You can slow down kidney damage or keep it from getting worse. Controlling your blood sugar and blood pressure, taking your medicines and not eating too much protein can help.
National Institute of Diabetes and Digestive and Kidney DiseasesStart Here
If you have diabetes, your blood sugar levels are too high. Over time, this can damage the covering on your nerves or the blood vessels that bring oxygen to your nerves. Damaged nerves may stop sending messages, or may send messages slowly or at the wrong times.
This damage is called diabetic neuropathy. About half of people with diabetes get it. Symptoms may include
- Numbness in your hands, legs or feet
- Shooting pains, burning or tingling
- Nausea, vomiting, constipation or diarrhea
- Problems with sexual function
- Urinary problems
- Dizziness when you change positions quickly
Controlling your blood sugar can help prevent nerve problems, or keep them from getting worse. Treatment may include pain relief and other medicines.
Many imaging tests are painless and easy. Some require you to stay still for a long time inside a machine, though. This can be uncomfortable. Certain tests involve radiation, but these are generally considered safe because the dosage is very low.
For some imaging tests, a tiny camera attached to a long, thin tube is inserted in your body. This tool is called a scope. The doctor moves it through a body passageway or opening to see inside a particular organ, such as your heart, lungs or colon. These procedures often require anesthesia.
Meanwhile, the staff of AMI's Men’s Fitness were expected to be told that they would be furloughed for 12 days between now and March 2010. Shape’s staff was told the same news three weeks earlier.
Launched five years ago, Mom & Baby came out twice yearly with a rate base of 500,000. It was distributed mainly at doctor’s offices.
Natural Health will now be produced by Fit Pregnancy’s staff, which used to produce Mom & Baby. Eileen Chiafair, the publisher of Natural Health, and its editor, Mary Bolster, left the company when their jobs were eliminated. It was unclear if other staffers will lose their jobs.
This round of cost cuts is just the latest for AMI. Just a few months ago, it cut the rate base at Men’s Fitness and Natural Health, along with celebrity weekly Star, to keep costs in line with falling ad revenue.
Building your own sex pyramid is easy: It's all about finding the right balance for you. The foundation should be whichever style nourishes you on the deepest level, your second favorite kind will fill the spot immediately above, and so on. Use the following recommendations to guide you, and be sure to take your personal preferences and lifestyle into account. Quickie sex might be closer to the base of a busy mom's pyramid but nearer the top for a single gal. Whatever your individual mix, striving to enjoy each of these types will guarantee that you'll have a healthy, well-rounded and satisfying sex life.
You may be troubled by that thinning hair line. You may be alarmed by the number of hair you lose each day. You may be having a difficult time going out to spend your day with co-workers and friends because you are ashamed of how your hair looks like now. Trouble is, you are not that ready yet to fight your hair loss dilemma.Seeking treatment for hair loss is not that easy. It is always assumed that you have a lot of questions in mind that you need answered. Plus, consider the fact that the remedy recommended for that problem of yours could only be given after you have been scrutinized by your hair specialist. That's why, I suggest you have to prepare yourself before you actually combat hair loss.Preparing for TreatmentYou see, my friend, you need not jump into a medication just because you want to take things the easy way. It might be convenient at first but in the long run, there is a greater tendency that you are led to the wrong path. You know what I mean, right? Here are some tips you need to help you settle for the best hair loss treatment yet:· Consult your doctor. When you see your crowning glory wearing and tearing apart, it is about time you seek professional help. It is best to do this from the time you actually noticed that change. Don't wait for the situation to worsen.· Discuss the symptoms and causes. Once you get into your physician's clinic, explain the symptoms associated with your hair loss problem. You may start by informing him how much hair you've lost for the past days. In the process, you will be able to track the real cause of your predicament.· Prepare for diagnosis. Your health care provider will surely help you out with this. You need not worry as he will recommend several laboratory tests necessary for you to undergo and evaluate your condition. These series of exams are known to help you with the following courses of action you need to take.· Have the results evaluated. The entire process is just like taking school examinations. You have to take the tests before you get the result. In fighting hair loss, you are bound to have the results checked in order for you and your doctor to discuss the treatments you may undergo. Your physician's prescription will depend from these results.· Listen to your doctor's recommendation. The start of the treatment now enters the scenario. Your doctor may either give you oral medication in the form of supplements or he may suggest that you have hair transplantation
Call them old wives' tales, or Grandma's beliefs, but myths can often be quirky and cute until they start to cause harm. Listed below are some common nutritional myths that need to be de-bunked as they can greatly impact your long-term health.1. If a label says fat-free, it usually means it has 0 calories.When a label reads 'fat-free', it just means that a fat substitute has been used, not that it is low in calories! Usually, fat-free foods are high in sugar calories and maybe even in sodium. Beware: Fat free = 0 calories is too good to be true.2. If I skip a meal or two, I will lose weight.Quite the opposite, in fact. Skipping meals can make you put on weight because:It results in a slowing of your metabolism.Your body begins to believe that you are going into starvation mode, so that it body converts all the food you eat into fat.When you do eat, you begin to overindulge or binge on junk foods instead.Light meals at frequent intervals are your best option -- and never, ever skip breakfast.3. Say NO to nuts, bananas and milk if you want to lose weight.The issue is with quantity. If you stick to the correct portions, these foods can easily be included as healthy foods for a weight loss diet.Yes, nuts, bananas and milk are dense in energy but rich in nutrients (vitamins, minerals, proteins and essential fats necessary for growth and development). If losing weight is the concern, stick to these portions -- 6-8 almonds (45 calories), 4 walnut halves (45 calories), 10-16 pistachios (45 calories), 1 extra small (4 oz) banana (60 calories) and 1 glass of low-fat milk (100 calories).4. The best way to control diabetes is by avoiding all starch and sugar/ carbs.No. The best way to control diabetes is by keeping blood sugar levels under control.Most foods have carbs in them, so does that mean a diabetic stops eating everything? The best way to control diabetes is by eating a diet rich in complex carbs such as whole cereals (oats, whole wheat, ragi, bajra, jowar, masoor and rye), whole pulses, legumes, fruit and vegetables in recommended portions and at specific intervals.5. Avoid oranges and other kinds of citrus fruit when you have a cold, as these are cold foods.Just because someone you know may be sensitive to citrus fruit when ill, it doesn't mean you are sensitive too. In fact, citrus fruit is high in Vitamin C and is known to help stave off a cold.There is no such thing as a cold food or a hot food, just as there is no such thing as good food or bad food. One should heed one's own body signals and respond to them accordingly. Our immune system reacts to a particular food when we have a cold, cough, fever, the runs or sneezes only if it is sensitive to them.6. 100 percent fruit juice is a healthy substitute for fruit.None of the commercially available fruit juices have 100 percent fruit content. The majority of these prepared fruit juices contain not more than 10 percent fruit.For example, a serving (4oz) of apple juice has approximately 15g carbs (sugar), and 0.5g fiber, whereas a small (about 100g) fresh, crunchy, juicy apple has 15 g carbs, and 2.4g fibre.
Health:1. Drink plenty of water2. Eat breakfast like a king, lunch like a prince and dinner like a beggar3. Eat more foods that grow on trees and plants, and eat less food that is manufactured in plants (factory)4. Live with the 3 E's -- Energy, Enthusiasm, and Empathy5. Make time for prayer6. Play more games7. Read more books than you did in 20088. Sit in silence for at least 10 minutes each day9. Sleep for 7 hours10. Take a 10-30 minutes walk every day ---- and while you walk, SMILE !!
1. No BreakfastPeople who do not take breakfast are going to have a lower blood sugar level. This leads to an insufficient supply of nutrients to the brain causing brain degeneration.2. Overeating It causes hardening of the brain arteries, leading to a decrease in mental power.3. SmokingIt causes multiple brain shrinkage and may lead to Alzheimer disease.4. High Sugar consumptionToo much sugar will interrupt the absorption of proteins and nutrients causing malnutrition and may interfere with brain development.5. Air PollutionThe brain is the largest oxygen consumer in our body. Inhaling polluted air decreases the supply of oxygen to the brain, bringing about a decrease in brain efficiency.6. Sleep DeprivationSleep allows our brain to rest. Long term deprivation from sleep will accelerate the death of brain cells.7. Head covered while sleepingSleeping with the head covered, increases the concentration of carbon dioxide and decrease concentration of oxygen that may lead to brain damaging effects. 8. Working your brain during illnessWorking hard or studying with sickness may lead to a decrease in effectiveness of the brain as well as damage the brain.9. Lacking in stimulating thoughtsThinking is the best way to train our brain, lacking in brain stimulation thoughts may cause brain shrinkage.10. Talking RarelyIntellectual conversations will promote the efficiency of the brainThe main causes of liver damage are: 1. Sleeping too late and waking up too late are main cause.2. Not urinating in the morning.3. Too much eating.4. Skipping breakfast.5. Consuming too much medication.6. Consuming too much preservatives, additives, food coloring, and artificialsweetener.7. Consuming unhealthy cooking oil. As much as possible reduce cooking oil use when frying,which includes even the best cooking oils like olive oil.Do not consume fried foods when you are tired, except if the body is very fit.8. Consuming raw (overly done) foods also add to the burden of liver. Veggies should beeaten raw or cooked 3-5 parts. Fried veggies should be finished in one sitting, do not storeTAKE CARE ABOUT YOUR HEALTH.................
While it may have been Jon and Kate Gosselin’s most unusual family that landed them a reality show, it is their all too common marital problems—to which many of those watching can probably relate—that have made them a household name in recent weeks. Here are five trigger points that have tested Jon and Kate in their reality-TV run—and how to make sure the same stressors don’t take a toll on your relationship. Read more
Take our sex poll and let us know what’s up between the sheets in this crazy time. Read more
Expert advice on how to be intimate with your partner. Read more

You're in Control Birth control options have come a long way since your mother’s time. From no-period pills to discreet patches, there are plenty of options to fit your lifestyle. Read more
Smarter Choices, Healthier You We’ve pulled together the latest medical information on sex, sexually transmitted diseases, and lifestyle issues affecting women today so that you can make the safest, healthiest decision for you. Read more
House M.D. star Jennifer Morrison—now also in the hit movie Star Trek—shares how she beats bad days, what keeps her strong, and why she’d rather not know what’s in the soy chai lattes she loves. (Get her fitness tips here.)
Q: So, tell the truth: Were you a Star Trek fan growing up? Not at all. I hadn’t seen any of them and still haven’t! When I got the call to go in and meet for it, I was like, “I don’t think I’m going to get this. I don’t know anything about Star Trek.” It ended up turning out to be to my advantage because [director] J.J. Abrams wanted to have a new fresh take on it.
When you are healthy, you are also wealthy. Not in a monetary sense, but in a body sense. Nothing is more important than your health, and if you were wealthy, you would not be able to spend money if you were in poor health. To make sure that you are in the greatest of health, you must exercise on a regular basis and eat foods that are rich in vitamins and minerals. If you have poor food eating habits, then even small changes to your diet can really help a lot. The main thing is to be able to distinguish between healthy foods and not so healthy foods. You have to eat many vegetables and fruit, and grains, and stay away from foods with too many calories, and a lot of fat. You need five servings of fruit and vegetables a day. This is not always easy to do, so drinking fruit and vegetable juice along with healthy food can help. Making small changes gradually is much easier than trying to change your entire diet all at once. Writing down what you eat and drink everyday can give you a good picture of what you eat. This will help you decide which foods you need to eat more of and which ones you should cut back on. If you find yourself at a loss, ask a nutritionist for help. They can advise you on the proper nutrition you need to be your healthiest. Newspapers and magazines do not always have the right information. Do not rely on vitamins, as these are not as good as the real thing. Fresh fruits and vegetables contain many more vitamins and minerals. Try changing around what you eat, since variety is the spice of life. The same old foods get boring eventually, so look for new healthy recipes to incorporate into your daily menu. Avoid fried foods whenever possible, as these are high in fat and cholesterol. Baking or grilling low fat foods is much healthier. Do without salad dressing that is too oily, as they contain many calories. Try drinking diet drinks that do not contain sugar, or water and tea, as these are much better for you, and contain no calories. Sleep is also important when you are trying to lose weight. It will also give you the energy you need to exercise everyday. When you are sleepy, your body makes you think that you are hungry, which can lead to eating more calories than you need to. Sleep will make you feel better all around, and you will have energy to spare. Exercise will give you more energy the more you do it. When starting an exercise program, begin slowly with walking, and add more as your confidence level rises. Swimming, aerobics, and running are also great options. If you eat healthy everyday, and follow a good exercise program regularly, you can be sure to have a body that is full of the wealth of health.
Vitamins are essential nutrients that your body needs so that it can function effectively. Most vitamins are sourced from the foods you eat but some can be produced by your body as well. They are distinguished from minerals because they come from plants and animals whereas minerals come from the soil and water. Vitamins contain no calories and are not used by the body for energy but without them your body's cells cannot perform certain important functions. In this article I am going to be providing you with a simple introduction to each of the thirteen vitamins. 1) VITAMIN A:- The main function of vitamin A is to assist with vision. A deficiency can lead to a condition called night blindness where you struggle to see in dim light and if left untreated this can develop into full blindness. 2) VITAMIN B1 (THIAMINE):- This vitamin's main function is to work with other B-complex vitamins and help the body convert blood sugar into energy. Not getting enough vitamin B1 can cause beriberi which has a number of undesirable symptoms including pain, loss of feeling in your extremities and in the worst cases death. 3) VITAMIN B2 (RIBOFLAVIN):- Vitamin B2's main function is to work with the other B-complex vitamins and help the body's cells break down carbohydrates, fats and proteins for energy. A vitamin B2 deficiency can lead to skin problems and also damage the eyes. 4) VITAMIN B3 (NIACIN):- The main function of this vitamin is to work with other B-complex vitamins and help the body's cells convert blood sugar into energy. Not getting enough vitamin B3 can lead to the development of pellagra, a condition which causes diarrhea, dementia, delirium and ultimately death. 5) VITAMIN B5 (PANTOTHENIC ACID):- The main function of vitamin B5 is to work with the other B-complex vitamins and help the body's cells convert food into energy. Not getting enough of this vitamin is very rare but can lead to abdominal pain and muscle weakness. 6) VITAMIN B6 (PYRIDOXINE):- This vitamin's main role is to help the body's cells break down proteins into a form they can use. A vitamin B6 deficiency can lead to weakness, tingling in your extremities and seizures. 7) VITAMIN B7 (BIOTIN):- The main function of vitamin B7 is to work with other B-complex vitamins and help the body's cells break down carbohydrates, fats and proteins into a form they can use. Not getting enough can lead to hair loss, skin problems and depression. 8) VITAMIN B9 (FOLIC ACID):- The main role of vitamin B9 is to work with vitamin B12 and help the body produce DNA (deoxyribonucleic acid) and RNA (ribonucleic acid) which both contain important genetic information. A deficiency can lead to anemia, diarrhea, stunted growth and weight loss. 9) VITAMIN B12 (COBALAMIN):- The main function of this vitamin is to work with vitamin B9 and help the body produce DNA and RNA. Not getting enough vitamin B12 can lead to pernicious anemia, a condition where your body produces fewer, larger red blood cells. 10) VITAMIN C (ASCORBIC ACID):- Vitamin C's main function is to assist in the production of collagen, a key component of connective tissue in animals that helps wounds heal. Being deficient in this vitamin can lead to scurvy, a condition which causes bleeding, swollen gums and slow healing wounds. 11) VITAMIN D:- The main function of this vitamin is to help the body use calcium and phosphorous which both help to strengthen your bones and teeth. A vitamin D deficiency can lead to weak bones that bend, break and fracture easily. 12) VITAMIN E:- Vitamin E is a powerful antioxidant that protects your body's cells from damage. Failure to get enough of this vitamin can lead to age spots (brown spots on the skin), hemolytic anemia (a condition where your blood cells become delicate and rupture) and other forms of cell damage. 13) VITAMIN K:- The main role of this vitamin is to help the blood clot. Being deficient in vitamin K makes it difficult for your blood to clot and in the worst cases can cause heavy, uncontrollable bleeding. As you can see each of the 13 vitamins are unique but collectively they are essential for good health. Being deficient in any of the above vitamins can lead to numerous health problems and stop your body from functioning properly. However, eating a healthy, balanced diet should allow you to consume adequate levels of each of the 13 vitamins and keep your body performing at an optimal level.
Vitamin A was the first of the thirteen vitamins to be discovered. Its discovery has been credited to McCollum and Davis between 1912 and 1914. The main function of this vitamin is to promote healthy vision but it also does a lot more. In this article I am going to help you learn about this vitamin by discussing five things you should know about vitamin A. 1) IT IS ESSENTIAL FOR HEALTHY VISION:- As I mentioned above this vitamin promotes healthy vision. This benefit was first noticed by the ancient Egyptians who used liver (a rich source of this vitamin) as a remedy for night blindness (a condition that makes it difficult or impossible to see in dim light). The reason for this is that night blindness is a symptom of vitamin A deficiency which can develop into full blindness if not treated. 2) IT IS A FAT SOLUBLE VITAMIN:- This vitamin is fat soluble which means that it dissolves in your body's fatty tissues. Fat soluble vitamins are generally more resistant to heat and light meaning that they are relatively stable when cooked. They can also be stored by your body for later use meaning that if you do not consume much vitamin A on a certain day your body can get its daily requirements from these stores. 3) IT CAN BE SOURCED FROM PLANTS AND ANIMALS:- Vitamin A that is sourced from animal products is called retinol whilst the plant source is referred to as carotenoids. Animal sources of this vitamin include liver, butter, eggs cheese and milk. Plant sources include carrots, peas and spinach. 4) IT HAS OTHER BENEFITS TOO:- Although healthy vision is the most well known vitamin A benefit this is not its only function. It is also essential for healthy growth (especially bone growth), the production of sperm cells and keeps your eyes, skin and mucus moist. 5) YOU CAN GET TOO MUCH:- Most people do not realise that you can overdose on vitamins. However, excessive consumption of vitamins can be just as bad as not getting enough. Overdosing on vitamin A generally leads to bone problems with osteoporosis (reduced bone density) and bone fractures both being symptoms associated with this. I hope this article has given you a better understanding of vitamin A and shown you that there is more to it than just promoting healthy vision. Although this is one of its key functions it is also required for healthy growth, reproduction and much more.
Most people who surf the net or work with computers probably get minor aches and pains from time to time. These back, shoulder and neck pains often seem fairly minor, and most of the time get better after a little while. The actual root cause can sometimes come from other areas of life, such as sports injuries, a poor mattress, gardening, just the ageing process. But there seems little doubt that spending long hours hunched over a keyboard is at least a contributory factor to back pain.
New method could improve vaccines for both seasonal flu and bird fluHOUSTON -- (March 17, 2009) -- A new computerized method of testing could help world health officials better identify flu vaccines that are effective against multiple strains of the disease. Rice University scientists who created the method say tests of data from bird flu and seasonal flu outbreaks suggest their method can better gauge the efficacy of proposed vaccines than can tests used today.Rice's Michael Deem, the lead scientist on the project, will present the group's results March 19 at the American Physical Society's 2009 meeting in Pittsburgh. The results are also slated to appear in the forthcoming book "Influenza: Molecular Virology" from Horizon Scientific Press.Avian flu, or bird flu, is a particularly deadly type of flu that's transmitted from birds to humans. It hasn't yet evolved into a form that can be transmitted readily between humans, but scientists and world health authorities are trying to prepare for a potential outbreak. Because the virus mutates continually, creating a vaccine in advance is problematic. For example, scientists have already found that a vaccine designed for the 1997 strain of bird flu does not work against a 2003 strain."Current vaccines contain only a single version of a given flu subtype," Deem said. "We wanted to gauge the effectiveness of a vaccine that contained multiple versions of a given subtype."World health authorities currently test the efficacy of proposed flu vaccines using either ferrets, which can contract the same forms of flu as people, or genetic assays. Rice's new computerized method could be a cheaper and faster alternative.With the new method, flu virus mutations are assigned numerical scores. Deem, Rice's John W. Cox Professor of Bioengineering and professor of physics and astronomy, and colleagues developed the method so they could assign a number that captured the amount of difference or similarity between strains. The method can also be used to test how effective a vaccine will be against divergent strains. To verify this, the team checked their results against flu vaccine data collected by the World Health Organization from 1971 to 2004."For seasonal influenza, we validated our model against observational data compiled by the World Health Organization's Global Influenza Surveillance Network," Deem said. "We also ran tests against bird flu data. We found that multiple-component bird flu vaccines appeared to be helpful in controlling the simultaneous multiple introduction of bird flu strains."Influenza viruses are like chameleons. They constantly change the patterns on their outer surface to avoid being targeted by antibodies. This rapid mutation rate is the reason seasonal flu vaccines must be changed annually. However, the vaccines sometimes offer less than ideal protection against newly evolved strains. It takes about six months to produce annual vaccine supplies; also, ideal vaccine strains are often difficult to produce by the standard hen’s egg technology, and alternative strains are substituted."Oftentimes, bird flu seems to emerge with multiple strains, and something similar can happen with newly released or evolved strains of seasonal flu as well," Deem said. The computational approach Deem will discuss is able to estimate the need for and the efficacy of a multiple-component vaccine in the face of the emergence of multiple flu strains.Each year, world health authorities create a flu vaccine that protects against three types of seasonal flu -- two subtypes of type A flu and one subtype of type B.
Chlorella is one of the most scientifically researched foods in history. It is green algae that grow in fresh water. Chlorella is one of nature's best foods, providing you with a rich variety of amino acid (protein), vitamins, enzymes, minerals and carbohydrates. Actually, chlorella is considered to contain every nutrient required by the human body. Each Chlorella microorganism is composed of a nucleus, starch grains, chloroplasts and mitochondria surrounded by a cell wall composed mainly of cellulose. Chlorella is a green single-celled microalgae that contains very high concentrations of chlorophyll. It also supplies high levels of Beta Carotene, Vitamin B-12, Iron, DNA, RNA and Protein. The cell wall in this high quality Chlorella has been broken down mechanically to aid digestibility. Some of benefits of chlorella are given below. Chlorella Improves Digestive System: It has such high chlorophyll content, people who have chronic bad breath is often overcome in just a few days with chlorella. Foul smelling stools are also very much improved and chlorophyll has been recognized to relieving constipation. Chlorella carries enzymes like chlorophyllase and pepsin, which are two digestive enzymes. Enzymes perform a number of important functions in the body. Chlorella has a lot of different types of enzymes that our bodies require.
Chlorella Control Blood Sugar and Blood Pressure Studies have revealed that chlorella tends to control blood sugar in cases of hypoglycemia. In hypoglycemia, blood sugar is too low. Proper levels of blood sugar are essential for normal brain function, heart function and energy metabolism, all of which are crucial in sustaining good health and preventing disease. High blood pressure is one of the major risk factors in heart attack and stroke, which account for more fatalities in the United States than any other disease. Laboratory experiments have shown that regular use of chlorella reduces high blood pressure and prevents strokes in rats.Modern techniques have helped in the processing of chlorella as its full nutritional properties can now be accessed due to the techniques used to dry the alga. So you can take chlorella supplements for the betterment of your health.
Ten point plan on going to sleep at night: 1: UNWIND ......RELAX: It's essential that your mind be geared for sleep. Sit down for half an hour or even an hour before bedtime. Let the mind wander .take it quietly, gently unwinds. Tensions and anxieties are gently released from the system through this simple way. 2: READ A BOOK: Many find it especially relaxing and mentally soothing to read for a while before the lights are out. This helps gear the mind to a low-key pitch which is an essential prerequisite for prompt and relaxing sleep. 3: SHORT BOUT OF ACTIVITY: Frequently a short, casual stroll before bed will similarly remove tensions and anxieties from the mind. Just amble, tiredness and a lovely sense fatigue. These days’ jogging is popular. 4: WARM BATH: There is little so relaxing as a nice warm shower or bath. The latter is more effective but it takes a bit longer. This warms the blood a little giving a soporific effect when it circulates to the brain centers. 5: WARM DRINK: Many people find a warm to hot milk drink very relaxing. Indeed recent research reported in the BRITISH MEDICAL JOURNAL indicates this definitely improves sleeping ability. It is preferable to have tea or coffee for this contains caffeine which is a nerve stimulant and will have the converse effect. Either milk as such, or with any of the many commercial0 additives is suitable. Take your pick. 6: WARM BED: It is desirable for the bed to be nice and warm. In summer this happens automatically, but in cooler weather, an electric blanket is the answer to cold bed problem. Warmth breeds relaxation, contentment and nervous satisfaction. 7: COMFORTABLE BED: Sleep comes best and fastest when the bed is comfortable. A bed you find that doesn’t allow you to relax completely will never a good starting point for prompt, restful slumber. 8: RELAXATION: You must learn to relax the entire system completely and utterly once you go to bed. When all the forgoing routines have been followed and you hit bed, gently stretch out into the most comfortable lying position you can find (it may on flat of the back or one side, rarely on the stomach) start with the left toes and systematically relax this part. Work up to the ankle, lower leg, knee, and thigh. Do the left side then the right. Then the whole body in the same way. 9: RELAXING THOUGHTS: As you relax the various joints and muscles system, you gradually phase out all conscious thoughts from your mind. This takes practice and time .It will not come overnight on the first occasion. You must work at it, and stick to the routine. Some prefer to think of happy-occasions, of relaxing situations-lying in the sun on the beach or on a freshly mown lawn. Mind pictures must be on pleasant experiences. These will give a way today dreaming thoughts, visions and sensations. Then they gradually become vague and vaguer, as you gradually drift into oblivion. 10: DEEP BREATHS: As you care for your mind in this manner, gradually take deep breaths. They should be rhythmical, deep, slow and regular. Softly, slowly, rhythmically as you breath in ... then count. Slowly, very slowly taking one figure with each two to three breaths .Finally you softly tell yourself you will be fast asleep by the time you count to ten. "One,,,, out....."